
Eld. Brian Douglas

24th August, 2022


Scripture Reading(s)

  • John 15:18-25
  • John 16:1
  • John 16:33
  • Matthew 7:13
  • Romans 5:3


Sermon Excerpt(s)

Perseverance is the persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

Perseverance is an attribute and ingredient of a successful person especially in our walk with God.

Not everyone of us will be a kingdom worker and everything planted in your hands is your ministry, so we need to endure, strive, or persevere to make it work


Knowing what to expect helps us to persevere.

When you get to a point where we think what we are going through is normal, you can give up so easily

Jesus set an expectation for us according to (John 15:18-25) and so we should not stumble or be swayed off according to (John 16:1) because He has overcome the world (John 16:33)

In all sphere of your life, setup the right expectations and persistently strive to achieve our goals


Persevering during difficult times is understanding that the challenges you face are not unique to you

Suffering produces perseverance/endurance – Romans 5:3

If you give up anytime you get frustrated, you can never persevere. Do not conclude that when you hit a wall, it means God has given up on you. Its sometimes there to develop the spirit of perseverance

There is a reward for endurance


On Key

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