July 20th, 2022
Ps. Samuel Asiamah
Scripture reading(s)
• Deuteronomy 7:1-5
• Numbers 22:1-end
• Numbers 23:1-
• Revelation 16:5-8
• 1 Kings 13:1-2
Destroy the altars that comes your way and do not spare any.
Deuteronomy 7:2 (NIV) – and when the Lord your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them and show them no mercy.
Why we need to destroy evil altars
1. Evil altars are the source of curses, sickness and struggles within the family (Numbers 22:1-, Numbers 23:1-) According to Numbers 22:6 the king believed that cursing the Israelites will help him to defeat them. The prophet knew that God responds to altars, so the priest decided to build altars to attract God. Altars can also be sources of curses as well as blessing
2. Altars can speak and hear – (Revelations 16:5-8, 1 Kings 13:1-2)
3. Altars can outlive people – So far as they get what they need to live, they can exist for generations
Prayer Topic(s)
• Any evil altar speaking against me, hear the word of the Lord, be destroyed now in the name of Jesus
• Any evil altar which is the source of my delay in life and challenges, you altar hear the word, be destroyed in the name of Jesus
• Lord silence all altars still in existence in our families and we raise our own Godly altars in their stead
Prayer song
me twere obobtan be
obotan no ne awurade 2x
se awurade gyinaa maakyi
se odom barima
ne hu y£ hu
oko maa me
enti matanfo nyinaa be hwease