Beyond This Life

You Must Be Born Again Gospel Crusade UCC

Ps. Samuel Asiamah

10th September 2022


Scripture Reading(s)

  • Luke 16:19-20
  • Proverbs 14:12
  • Genesis 13:2
  • Hebrews 2:8
  • Isaiah 5:14-16
  • 1 John 5:1
  • Matthew 6:19-21
  • Gal 3:26
  • John 10:10


Sermon Excerpt(s)

The only way to go to heaven is not through a process but an individual Jesus Christ

Do not boast in works but in your salvation.

We will all die but where we go after death is determined by the actions we take today like the rich man and Lazarus.

There is another life after death. Our decision on our salvation determines where we go after death

If you ignore salvation, you shall not escape – Hebrews 2:8


Jesus in Matthew 6:19-21, ask us to store our treasures in a secure place not on earth. We should build whiles focusing on heaven as a goal. One of the first treasures you should seek with all your heart is salvation

Your security in the afterlife, is your faith in Jesus Christ alone (1 John 5:1) and not in our possessions or qualifications

Gal 3:26 We are Children of God in Christ Jesus.

Faith in Jesus is our only security for the after life

The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus came and brought us only one thing SALVATION

Does the lord know you as you think he knows you


Seven misconceptions about Salvation

  1. My parents are Christians, so I am a Christian. Salvation is individualistic
  2. I go to church and have my name in the church’s records.
  3. I am part of a department
  4. I pray and read the bible
  5. I have a baptismal certificate
  6. I am principled. I don’t do bad things
  7. I am a good spouse


On Key

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